Must Read: The Reality at the Border

February 15, 2019

Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Ready to talk about the wall? Yeah, I don't want to either but we must!

Two definitions I will call to mind for the word "wall" will help us segway into this topic:

  1. a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land;
  2. an extreme or desperate position or a state of defeat, failure, or ruin

Is it a coincidence that one definition means a structure that divides and the other means ruin? I think not. 

Earlier today, I read an article and watched a news report at Texas Public Radio that showcases the opinions of various citizens who live along the border after the President's actions today. This collection is titled "The Reality at the Border: A Wall In My Backyard." It delves into the news of today. 

What news? Oh, you know, that the nation watched as Trump declared a national disaster at the border. He bypassed Congressional lawmakers to access billions of dollars to build the much-discussed wall. Between this order AND the legislation he signed today, he will allegedly have access to about $8 billion dollars to begin the wall's construction. 

But what made this news article and video resonate so much? 

Well, among its highlights are haunting photos, videos, and opinions of people all over the Rio Grande Valley. It includes people in support AND in opposition to the wall. All speak eloquently and from the heart on an extremely divisive subject. 

One woman discusses future litigation in a local district court to fight for her property. It is property which the border wall would cut through. Another man voices his support for local and federal agencies that will protect his land after seeing the existing border enforcement fail for the last 75 years of his life.

And, these opinions show there are many voices to this debate. For these reasons, it is a must-read and must-watch. It implores you to delve into the subject matter and perhaps to decide on your point-of-view. 


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