I'll Show You A Lukewarm Pile of MEH

February 21, 2019

The Skinny

As of today, it’s 96 days until the Texas legislative session is over and here I am sitting in my office with my head scrolling through right-leaning blogs to find a piece of writing that really gets my goat. You know, something that really gets my blood boiling, my pulse racing and making me feel all kinds of ways of absolutely, positively incensed.

Why? I just want to feel alive! I’m just trying to get into political sadism like Trump.

All jokes aside, I assure you the stroll down the right-winged blogs was not simple. It was a death march. I could feel my brain cells dying with each word I read written by duplicitous, master manipulators...true modern-day Machiavellians. 

Is it a coincidence that the last syllables of Machiavellians kind of sound/look like the word “villains?” I think not.

Ok, maybe that last “villains” part was a stretch but I digress.  But, I will say that I found all of the things I sought above as well as physical shudders in my body upon stumbling on the conservative political blog that is “Cahnman’s Musings.” (Should be more like Conman…)

I assure you -- this blog is a kick in the head. There is nothing I like more than news, opinion, and bible verses all mixed together.

So, without further ado, I bring to you the blatherings of a lazy, conservative blog about Texas Politics that includes bible verses and babble.

My Critique

Today’s blog post in review is a piece called, “#TXLEGE: Abbott delivers Lukewarm Pile of “Meh.” This piece was part of an extremely hilarious blog. 

The blog features a fun photo of Governor Abbott smiling, mid-speech, with his hands up in the air as if he is leading a choir. Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, and other legislators exist jovially in the background. Hey! You can see half Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s face.

Beneath the photo, the blog opens a quote from the bible: "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Revelation 3:16

Vomit? What? Why? This is really a blog. This is really how it opened. I kid you not.

Cahnman isn’t being histrionic, he is being his own delusional version of honest!

All-in-all the post is about 229 words including the bible verse. It is a quick, mind-numbing read. And, strangely, I agree with the blogger in one thing though, that the State of the State Address was MEH. When watching it, I found myself fighting off sleep. 

But, hey, most Texans probably didn’t watch it so I am ahead of them there.

The Governor had some typical speaking points touting the exceptionalism of Texas. You know, the economy, oil, and gas, land, etc. He also spoke to the stellar higher education system and that Texas is a safe place.

I do not agree, though, with all the points the writer made. 

In reviewing this blog post and others before and after it, it seemed to me to be incredibly shallow in content and lazy in writing. The author does not have a firm grasp on anything, including his own mental state, let alone grammar and prose.

It should be noted that Cahnman is a known right-leaning blogger whose psychotic ramblings have been spotlighted on Breitbart and the Empower Texans Facebook Page. And, while Breitbart, Empower Texans, and Cahnman’s Musings have all been founded in religious conservatism, I don’t believe Cahnman’s audience has swayed from these points of view except for the lone government student looking to add fuel to her personal blog. Thus, the readers of this fiction are more than likely politically engaged and conservative. 

Rating? Cahnman has a case of verbal diarrhea and this blog is definitely a lukewarm pile of ****. Avoid it if you like low blood pressure and keeping your brain cells. 


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